Scheduling an Appointment

Scheduling through Accommodate

Step 1. Open a new appointment request within Accommodate

  • Select the "Appointment" tab
  • Select "Request New Appointment" at the bottom of the page

Step 2. Determine the type, date and time of the requested appointment

  • Select a type of appointment from the drop-down menu
  • Proceed to select the date and time range
  • Choose an in-person appointment or zoom appointment based on the type of appointment you need
  • Select "Check Availability"
  • Available times will populate on the right hand side of the screen

Step 3. Request your appointment from the available list

  • Select the appointment time that works best for you
  • A window will open to confirm the selected appointment information (time, date, location and staff member)
  • Describe the reason for the appointment
  • Select "Submit Request"

Appointment Types

Students can schedule meetings with staff via the following appointment types.

‌Academic and Campus Experience Initial Consultation

Please select this appointment type if it will be your first time meeting with Student Accessibility Services to discuss accommodations.

Housing & Dining Initial Consultation 

Please select this appointment type if it will be your first time meeting with University Housing & Dining to discuss accommodations.

‌Academic and Campus Experience Follow-Up Consultation

Please select this appointment type if you have previously met with Student Accessibility Services.

Housing & Dining Follow-Up Consultation

Please select this appointment type if you have previously met with University Housing & Dining.