Accommodated Testing with SAS

Students utilize accommodations for a variety of reasons and testing accommodations are no different.  Students utilizing Student Accessibility Services Testing might require a testing environment with few or negligible sensory distractions, utilize extended testing time, utilize assistive technology, access tests/quizzes in a different format, among many other reasons.

Test Related Accommodations Guidelines


*If you do not feel you can provide access to an environment meeting these guidelines, students should test with Student Accessibility Services Testing. All students with test accommodations for a test reader or test scribe are required to test in SAS Testing.

Student Accessibility Services Testing Accommodation Process

Step 1: Review Letters

Review all received accommodations letters and note the students with testing accommodations.  If students are to test with SAS, complete the following steps for each test or quiz.

Step 3: Receive Test Results

After the test or quiz is completed, SAS Testing staff will scan and email it to the instructor within 2 business days.